
How To Upload Kmz To Qgis


The native QGIS importer creates separate layers for each folder within a KML/KMZ. If there are hundreds or thousands of layers, the import can be very slow, crash QGIS, or create an undesirable number of layers. This plugin but creates i bespeak layer, one line layer, and one polygon layer. This makes the KML/KMZ import very quick. It adds the nested binder structure to a field in the QGIS layer which can so exist used for sorting and filtering based on the folder construction in the KML. A KMZ tin be exported with simple, categorized, and graduated QGIS styling for points, lines and polygons. Recently, limited support has been added to convert embedded ground overlay images into GeoTIFF images.

KML Tools tin can be found in the QGIS carte nether Vector->KML Tools and Raster->KML tools , on the tool bar, or in the Processing Toolbox under KML Tools *. Information technology has iii vector tools and ii raster tools. This shows the tools in the Processing Toolbox.

Processing Toolbox

Vector Tools

Import KML/KMZ Import KML/KMZ

This functions as the proper name implies. It's interface is simple. Click on the ... push button on the right of Import KML/KMZ file to select your file. Notation that the file name extension must be *.kml, *.txt, or *.kmz. Choose whether you desire to include points, lines or polygons from the KML as QGIS output layers. If the KML file does non incorporate one of these geometry types, then the associated layer will non be created anyway.

Import KML/KMZ

HTML description expansion Aggrandize HTML clarification field

This attempts to expand HTML tag/value pairs into separate fields. Earlier this tin can be run, the KML needs to exist imported into QGIS with Import KML/KMZ . Next select from How to expand the description field option 1 of the following:

  • Expand from a 2 column HTML table - If the KML has a clarification entry that contains an HTML table with two columns were the first column represents a table or field name and the second column its value, then this option will parse these fields and add them to a new attribute table field. This is an example of data that it expands.
                              <table>         <tr><td>City</td><td>Provo</td></tr>         <tr><td>State</td><td>Utah</td></tr>     </tabular array>                          
  • Aggrandize from "tag = value" pairs - If the KML has a description entry that contains "tag = value" entries separated past new paragraphs, line breaks, or entries in a single tabular array column, then this choice will parse these fields and add them to a new aspect table field. This is an case of data that information technology expands.
                              <b>City<b/> = Provo<br/>     <b>Land<b/> = Utah<br/>                          
  • Aggrandize from "tag: value" pairs - If the KML has a description entry that contains "tag: value" entries separated past new paragraphs, line breaks, or entries in a single table column, so this selection volition parse these fields and add them to a new attribute table field. This is an instance of information that it expands.
                              <b>City:<b/> Provo<br/>     <b>State:<b/> Utah<br/>                          

This can either be run from the menu, tool bar, or Processing Toolbox; however, running it from the menu or tool bar provides user interaction during the conversion to select which fields they want to expand. During expansion some of the expansion names may already exist in the table. If that is the example then an '_' followed by a number is appended to the end.

HTML Expander

Select the input layer and the field that has an HTML table of tag/value rows. Press OK and it will await through all records and find all possible tag values. If information technology finds tags, then it will pop up a menu for you to select which tags you want expanded into tabular array entries like this.

HTML Expander

The Processing Toolbox version of Expand HTML description table operates a piddling differently because processing routines cannot be interactive. In this case it will aggrandize all possible tags that are establish. Optionally, you can include a listing of name tags you lot want expanded if you know them ahead of time. This is the Processing expansion dialog box.

HTML Expander

Considering there is no standard style of including additional information in the KML description entry, it is hard to come up with a way to expand all cases. Right at present this just works with ii cavalcade HTML tables, tag=value , and tag: value pairs, but please permit u.s. know if there are other clarification formats that you would similar u.s.a. to tackle.

Export KMZ Consign KMZ

This provides the ability to consign a QGIS point, line, or polygon layer as a Google World KMZ file. It tin export single, categorized, and graduated QGIS symbology. For others it will default to not exporting the symbology. For points it captures the unabridged symbol, but for lines and polygons only simple line colors, line widths, and solid polygon fills tin exist exported due the limitations of the KML specification. It can export date and time in one or two fields every bit a time stamp, time begin and fourth dimension end. It also handles distance either from QGIS Z geometries or from an attribute field and eventually add a constant quantity.

Export KMZ

The following describes some of the functionality.

  • Name/Label field - This is the name or label that will exist displayed in Google World.
  • Use hidden points to brandish polygon labels - Labels on polygons are non normally displayed in Google Globe. Past checking this box a hidden bespeak will be created at the polygon's centroid so that a label will exist displayed over the polygon.
  • Description fields - By default all fields are selected to be included in the KMZ. When the user clicks on a placemark in Google Globe, these fields will be displayed. If only ane field is specified then it will be treated as a description field.
  • Export mode for single, categorized, and graduated symbols - Select this if y'all want to export the QGIS style data to KML. Annotation that for lines and polygons, you tin simply utilize simple styles. If the way is not single, categorized, or graduated, and so no style information will be exported.
  • Point layers: Use the following Google icon, but use QGIS icon color and size - Rather than display the QGIS icon shape, you can select one of the Google Globe icon shapes to exist displayed for betoken features. The size and color of the icon will exist determined by QGIS.
  • Specify whether to include altitude in the KMZ - If altitude is available in the QGIS geometry equally a Z aspect or is available in the attribute tabular array, and then it can be included in the KMZ. Annotation that the altitude value must be in meters; otherwise, it volition not exist displayed correctly. The KML Altitude Mode besides affects how distance is interpreted.
  • Default distance mode when not obtained from the attribute tabular array - When altitude is non obtained from a field in the attribute table, and then this value is used.
  • Altitude manner field - Specify a field in the attribute table to be used as the altitude mode.
  • Altitude field - Specify a field in the aspect table to be used as the altitude. This value must be in meters.
  • Altitude addend - Specify a quantity to exist used as addend for altitude (from Distance field or Z aspect). This value must be in meters.
  • Date/Time stamp field - This specifies a field in the attribute table that contains a appointment and time. This tin exist a QGIS QDateTime field, QDate field, QString field, int or double field. It attempts to smartly parse any string field. If the field is an int or double and then at assumes the value is EPOCH time in seconds. In the advanced parameters, separate date and fourth dimension fields can be used.
  • Date/Fourth dimension bridge brainstorm field - This selects a field for the date/time span begin field.
  • Appointment/Time span end field - This selects a field for the date/time span end field.
  • Image path/proper noun field - This specifies the complete path to an image which volition exist included in to KMZ and will be displayed in the Google World placemark popup. As an example, if yous have a directory of georeferenced images, yous can run Import geotagged photos from the QGIS processing toolbox. This creates a Photo attribute which tin be used for Export KMZ . Be careful that yous only use small-scale images for this purpose because all the images in the tabular array volition be copied into the KMZ and they will not be downsized.

Advanced Parameters

Advanced parameters

  • Line width multiplication cistron - Line widths in Google Earth visually appear smaller than in QGIS so this provides a method to make them look like. Past default this is set to 2.
  • The rest of the advanced parameters allow the employ of carve up appointment and time fields to be combined into a single KML fourth dimension postage, time span begin, or time bridge end field.

KML Tools does non implement the unabridged KML specification. Information technology focuses on point, line and polygon geometries within the KML. If for some reason you observe that it is missing something, let us know and possibly we can add it.

Raster Tools

Note that these tools are only available in QGIS 3.14.0 afterward.

Extract KML/KMZ Ground Overlays Excerpt KML/KMZ Ground Overlays

This algorithm looks through the KML/KMZ for KML GroundOverlay tags and if the associated prototype is embedded in the KMZ or is on the local file arrangement it volition convert it to a GeoTIFF according to the LatLonBox parameters. Note that this algorithm will not follow and excerpt http(s) linked images. The following shows the KML tags that are extracted. In this instance etna.jpg is converted to etna.tif.

            <Icon>       <href>etna.jpg</href>     </Icon>     <LatLonBox>       <n>37.91904192681665</north>       <southward>37.46543388598137</south>       <east>15.35832653742206</east>       <west>14.60128369746704</w>       <rotation>-0.1556640799496235</rotation>     </LatLonBox>

Extract Ground Overlays

The parameters are the input KML or KMZ and the location of a binder to store the images in. You can likewise specify whether to automatically load the converted GeoTIFF images into QGIS or non. If any images are establish that cannot be converted, they will be reported in the algorithm log. If rotation is involved in the conversion process, the output GeoTIFFs are compatible with QGIS, but may not be compatible with other programs. If needed, run these images through GDAL->Raster projections->Warp to make them compatible with other programs.

Extract KML/KMZ Ground Overlays Ground Overlay to GeoTIFF Epitome

This algorithm manually allows the user to specify an image and enter the northward, south, due east, due west and rotation parameters to convert the input image into a GeoTIFF image. If rotation is not zero, the output GeoTiff is compatible with QGIS, but may non be compatible with other programs. If needed, run the output of this algorithm through GDAL->Raster projections->Warp to make it compatible with other programs.

Ground Overlay to GeoTIFF


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