
Download macOS Sierra and iOS 10 wallpaper (high-res) - jenkinssulned

Apple free its latest iterations of iOS 10 and macOS 10.12 Scomberomorus sierra today at the Bank bill Graham Civil Auditorium. WWDC 2020 saw Orchard apple tree focusing more on its extremity low-level, Siri, than any other thing. Notwithstandin, Apple Euphony, Photos app, iCloud updates, several multitasking features for iOS 10 and macOS Sierra were also some of the highlights of today's keynote.

Apple rebranded its OS X atomic number 3 macOS at today's event, expression goodbye to the 15-year old gens of its background operating system. The new macOS Sierra introduced Cosmopolitan Clipboard, Auto Unlock, Siri integration, an updated Photos app, adroit computer storage management, and several separate features.

As far American Samoa iOS 10 is concerned, the mobile operating scheme was the whizz release today as Apple brought in both major updates to the Oculus sinister. Updated Maps, a solid Music update, ameliorate Apple News, revamped Phone, new lock screen, Live Exposure editing, and several delicious improvements to the Messages apps are only some of the features that were part of today's firing.

Along with the features, we likewise adage a gorgeous new iOS 10 wallpaper, featuring aqua wave crashing against the beach. Breathtakingly calming? Definitely! Pursuing are the iOS 10 and macOS Sierra wallpapers.

Download iOS 10 wallpaper

download iOS 10 wallpaper

  • Download the high-res and beautiful iOS 10 paper: iPad and iPhone

Download macOS Sierra wallpaper

  • Here's the link to download macOS Sierra wallpaper: MacBook link (2880x1800) and iPad

Personally, I am still obsessed with iOS 8 wallpapers, but these are commodity efforts too. What are your thoughts along the latest macOS Sierra and iOS 10 wallpapers?

- More from WWDC 2020:

  • Exciting New iOS 10 Features That Apple Didn't Showcase at Today's Event
  • Orchard apple tree Takes a Hit on Google Photos with Its Refreshed Photos App
  • iOS 10 Lets You Delete And Re-Download Stock Apps – At last
  • macOS Sierra Drops Indorse for Many Experient Macs – Compatibility List
  • App Store Has Reached Several New Milestones – See Opportune Hither
  • Apple Unveils macOS Sierra with Auto Lock, Universal Clipboard and More!


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